“Chaw” is a carnivorous horror movie that is set in a peaceful town of Sameri where a human eating boar is discovered there. Ripped body parts are found together with the animal’s footprints by the locals. Former hunter Chun Il Man (Jang Hang Seon) had lost his granddaughter recently and he suspects the boar had eaten her alive.
As the fear is growing in the town, the locals invite famous hunter Baek (Yoon Je Moon) to hunt for the boar. Joining him are biologist Su Ryeon (Jeong Yu Mi), detective Shin (Park Hyeok Kwon) and police officer Kim (Eom Tae Woong). Il Man leads the five member boar hunting team when Kim’s mother disappears mysteriously. Can they find the boar and bring Kim’s mother back alive?
Genre: Thriller, Horror
Starring: Jang Hang Seon, Yoon Je Moon, Jeong Yu Mi, Park Hyeok Kwon, Eom Tae Woong
Release year: 2009
Language: Korean
Subtitle: English Muxed
Size: 528822695 bytes (504.32 MiB), duration: 02:02:11, avg.bitrate: 577 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo
Video: h264, yuv420p, 640×336, 23.98 fps(r)
Title: Chaw duasatu
Encoder: dextro
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Subtitle : Klik Disini