After returning to civilian life as a Texas rancher, Captain Lance Deakin fends off attacks from former members of his unit as he struggles to uncover the truth of what he did as a soldier in Iraq. The military performed experiments on Lance and his men to turn them into super-soldiers and brainwashed them to remember their top secret missions as the hyper-violent content of a video game called MINUTEMAN. Lance must uncover the truth in time to save the woman he loves
IMDb Rating: -/10
Critics: 1 reviews
Director:Mark Millhone
Writers:Mark Millhone
Stars:Riley Smith, Willa Ford and Barry Corbin
Title: Universal Squadrons 2011 DVDRIP MKV
Size: 350MB
Genre: Thriller
Encoder: Team21
Source: Universal Squadrons (2011) DvdRip [Xvid]