Plot: In a typical American suburb filled with middle class morals, a lonely 59-year-old, Stan, contributes to society by offering cremation services from his basement. In fact, Stan murders neighbors he perceives to be social bullies. Jarod, a fatherless 17-year-old high school outcast, lands an after-school job in Stan’s cremation house and the two develop an unusual working relationship that quickly evolves into a partnership. As detective Matt Fairchild puts together clues from local disappearances, Stan must decide if protecting his newfound trainee is worth killing for.
Genre: Thriller
IMDB rating: 4.0/10
Directed by: Justin Steele
Starring: Brad Dourif, Jeremy Sumpter and Scott Elrod
Source Name: Death.And.Cremation.2010.DVDRip.XviD-3LT0N
Size: 367061273 bytes (350.06 MiB), duration: 01:26:44, avg.bitrate: 564 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo
Video: h264, yuv420p, 656×272, 23.98 fps(r)
Encoder: dextro
Links: IMDB
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Subtitle : Klik Disini