Plot: Sandrine Bonnaire and Kevin Kline shine in this sophisticated feel-good comedy set in idyllic Corsica. Middle-aged chambermaid Hélène’s newfound obsession with the game of chess leads her to seek the tutelage of a reclusive American expat, transforming both of their ho-hum lives in the process.
Genre: Drama
IMDB rating: 6.5/10
Directed by: Caroline Bottaro
Starring: Sandrine Bonnaire, Kevin Kline and Valérie Lagrange
Size: 418343093 bytes (398.96 MiB), duration: 01:41:22, avg.bitrate: 550 kb/s
Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo
Video: h264, yuv420p, 624×352, 23.98 fps(r)
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